As 2025 begins, the return of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency signals significant shifts amid growing global uncertainty and rising populist movements. In this issue of Beyond Today, we explore the current world scene, America’s spiritual crossroads, and the urgent need for repentance and reliance on God in shaping our nations’ futures.
As we turn the page to 2025, it goes without saying that the return of Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency four years after leaving office marks a dramatic change in world events. We also see populist movements gaining ground in other Western nations, as dissatisfaction with the ruling elites has been mounting.
Of course, we naturally wonder what this will mean going forward. The prestige of the United States in international affairs has diminished in key respects in recent years. People remain resentful of heavy-handed government, rising costs and endless wars, among numerous other complaints. Besides economic turmoil, key hotspots around the world threaten to balloon into wider conflicts, possibly even world war.
Yet now it seems there might be an opportunity to reverse course on some straining and perilous situations. Will that happen? Perhaps. America and other nations might be able to better handle certain crises for a while and experience a period of prosperity. It’s happened before—as it did in the 1980s. But all was not right then, and it’s certainly not now. Morals have plummeted in America and other Western nations, and that holds real consequences.
Proper management of domestic and foreign policy can lead to better outcomes. But anything can happen at any moment, catastrophe can strike from anywhere, and there’s only one place to turn for any real sense of security at all—Almighty God. Even if we are at a time of reprieve or respite, that will not go on indefinitely.
In this issue of Beyond Today, our cover story surveys some elements of the world scene as the new U.S. administration prepares to assume power—yet it reminds us of where ultimate power lies, with God, highlighting our need to continually draw near to Him. We further consider a warning God delivered through the prophet Ezekiel to the Israelites, not just the ancient people of his time but their modern descendants—including, though most do not realize it, the American and British people and other nations of northwest European heritage.
Given the period of uncertainty before us, I’m reminded of a widespread publication from 1986 titled The Rebirth of America put out by the Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation. Near its conclusion is a powerful speech by Russell Clearman titled “Which Way, America?” The speech rehearses the country’s founding as “One nation under God” and then asks what course it will follow—in words still highly relevant today, which those of other countries can also identify with.
Recounting some history, the speech then declares: “None but the fool could fail to see the hand of a sovereign God upon this golden land of the free. But today America faces a danger point. We must confess with troubled heart that America has forgotten God. She is rolling in luxuries, reveling in excesses, rollicking in pleasure, revolting in morals, and rotting in sin.
“What can we expect of a society in which passions are like riderless horses: in which there is a desolation of decency, in which love has become a jungle emotion, lust is exalted to lordship, sin elevated to sovereignty, Satan worshipped as a saint, and man magnified above his Maker?
“Today, the bleak winds of destiny are howling in protest to the way we are living. It is sheer folly to suppose that the strength and security of America lies in its vast economic resources, industrial prowess, scientific ingenuity, diplomatic skill or military might. Our real defense as a nation rests in the spiritual convictions, character and commitment of our citizenry. Our forefathers founded this nation upon the Christian faith and it will live so long as the Lord is our God . . .
“This same principle of dependence upon God is embodied in our National Anthem [last stanza]: ‘Blessed with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land, praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!’
“Sin separates a nation from God! Sin separates this nation from God! But we are not without hope . . . From the very throne of God there comes this message to us, ‘Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool’ [Isaiah 1:18] . . .
“We must go to our knees in humility and prayer, in contrition and confession, in repentance and the forsaking of sin. We must go back to the cross, where the incarnate Son of God was cursed, condemned, crucified for man . . .
“The crisis is acute. The danger is imminent. Time is running out. Something miraculous must happen in the heart and soul of America . . . now, before it is too late. The choice is clear. It is repent or perish, revival or ruin, Christ or chaos. The question of the hour is: Which Way, America?”
Those elsewhere can ask the question of their own nations. May we all treasure the truth God gives, remain committed to Him and experience the blessings He bestows—while we yet have time.