
A World in Transition ... to What?

by Darris McNeely Estimated reading time: 11 minutes. Posted on 6-Jan-2025
The world has been teetering on the brink of escalating tyranny, war, social instability and economic calamity. A new U.S. presidential administration and populist calls for change in other Western nations could lead to some pushback for a time. As Christians are to stay alert to what’s happening in the world, we survey some major current conditions.

There is a growing crisis in world events. War in Europe. War in the Middle East. Tension in Asia over Taiwan and China’s growing military threat. Some major news sources, including The Wall Street Journal, have repeatedly warned that events are heading toward World War III! Others paint current tensions as a new Cold War.

The recent election of Donald Trump to his second term as U.S. president heralds a reset of such issues on the world agenda. As a candidate, he stated that he would end the Ukraine war, that Hamas would not have attacked Israel Oct. 7, 2023, and that he would impose tariffs on goods coming into America. Whether he can stop the war in Europe, prevent a wider Middle East war or put up tariff barriers without a ripple effect of consequences creates big unanswered questions.

The world has dramatically changed since President Trump left office four years ago. We may be at a tipping point as to what any one man can do to influence global events. The world is experiencing a significant period of transition. What does that mean, what should you understand, and what should you do?

Keep watching, mindful of who’s ultimately in charge

As war rages, world leaders are sleepwalking through dangerous times. Big changes are coming, and our lives will be impacted. But we don’t know how rapidly things will proceed. There may even be a period of breathing room—time to focus more on a spiritual life that matters.

Jesus Christ spoke to these days: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day [of calamitous upheaval at His return] come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:34-36, emphasis added).

God is always the One to turn to, as He is directing events toward a final outcome, determining the world’s leaders according to His purpose, as revealed in Bible prophecy: “And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him” (Daniel 2:21-22).

God determines the rise and fall of nations and great empires: “And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26).

Still today, nothing occurs apart from His watchful eye and ultimate oversight. That’s encouraging. It’s not just the endless cycles of history at work. Men may plot and plan, but God’s designs win. “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations” (Psalm 33:10-11).

Read on as we examine some significant events and conditions around the world. It’s important to look at what’s happening in the frame of a biblical worldview, including Bible prophecy.

A turning point in America

The election of 2024 was one for the history books. Two attempts on the life of Donald Trump stunned the nation. Trump’s comeback and victory were historical, considering the political turmoil that began when he lost the 2020 election. Four years of political strife, cultural upheaval and international war left the world watching the outcome of the race to see which direction America would take. People around the world carefully watch American politics. They are interested in presidential elections because the United States is the indispensable nation of the moment. Its economy drives the world. Despite myriad internal problems, America is still number one.

Trump’s decisive victory, coupled with Republican control of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, gives him wide latitude to enact his agenda. It appears a majority of the American electorate has effectively said, We don’t like the direction of the country—we want change. They turned to Donald Trump and have given him the reins of government with a mandate to do something different. What might we expect with this administration?

Coping with illegal immigration

The vote is a rejection of the past four years of public policy. One example is the porous southern border, where many millions have illegally entered the country. Along with many who sincerely seek a better life are members of drug cartels, criminals and some suspected of being terrorists planted as sleepers for future attacks on America. The impact on many communities is staggering, in some cases neighborhoods having been taken over by violent gangs.

Illegal entrants have committed serious felony crimes. One particular case of a man from Venezuela brutally killing Georgia nursing student Laken Riley provoked national outrage and fueled the debate over illegal immigration during the presidential race. Jose Ibarra was charged with and convicted of murder and other crimes in Riley’s February 2024 death. Trump’s promise to evict such violent illegal entrants resonated with many who see the dangers of the broken policy on immigration. It will be a difficult job to undo this catastrophe. The current unruly tragedy playing out at America’s southern border threatens the social tapestry of many communities and the nation itself.

The problem of massive immigration without cultural assimilation also besets other Western nations, having spawned a host of problems. But nowhere have such vast numbers of illegal immigrants come into a country on the scale of what has happened in the United States.

Dealing with gender confusion

The growing promotion of transgender issues was another contentious issue of public policy. This onerous part of the sexual revolution seems to have sparked a backlash among a significant segment of Americans. Many seemed to find a collective voice saying, in effect, enough of this madness—a man is a man, and a woman is a woman, and you cannot change this biological fact of nature. Many are very troubled over the idea of biological males sharing women’s bathrooms and playing in women’s sports—which is dangerous for women.

God made the two sexes (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4). Perverted efforts to mask what used to be clinically diagnosed as a mental disorder is an effort to undermine the natural order of life. That many have found the courage to say “no” is a positive sign, even if it may only be a temporary halt. This trans movement is fueled by evil spiritual powers working behind the scenes in the world to subvert God’s creation of humanity (see Ephesians 6:12).

Facing out-of-control debt

Government spending policy, which has caused the national debt to skyrocket, is a basic concern. Inflation is another. The price of basic commodities and services impacted enough of the electorate to register an overall negative vote against the administration in power.

America’s national debt is more than $35 trillion. It has been called the most significant threat to national security. Think about that—more than the threat from any foreign power! Uncontrolled spending could end the world’s largest economy. Fiscal experts of every political stripe acknowledge this.

While the debt has increased, neither of the two presidential candidates, nor their respective parties, have seriously considered a plan to reduce the debt. Unless this debt is reduced, it will lead to a change in America’s status in the world, and it will impact our pocketbooks in ways we don’t want to consider. It’s a huge and looming problem.

President Trump’s choice for Treasury secretary, Scott Bessent, comes with a three-point plan to address this problem. The steps include cutting the budget deficit to 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2028, spurring GDP growth of 3 percent through deregulation and producing an additional 3 million barrels of oil a day. Yet will this actually happen?

A growing eastern axis threat

President Trump will still have to face growing threats to America’s role in the world. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are formidable powers. They do not wish America well and will continue to pursue their goal of replacing American leadership in the world.

The Middle East continues to simmer. The outcome of the current Israeli offensive against Iran and its proxies is yet to be determined. Many believe the question is when, not if, Israel will be allowed to take out Iran’s nuclear infrastructure—though this could draw Russia and China into the conflict.

Will President Trump resurrect the Abraham Accords to seek a peace among the Arab nations and Israel? Today’s Middle East is much changed from 2020. Israel will not return to the idea of a two-state solution, a centerpiece of Western diplomacy for decades.

(To better understand where events in this region are headed, read our free study guides Russia and Bible Prophecy and The Middle East in Bible Prophecy.)

European crisis amid Ukraine war

Many European leaders had a negative perspective of the first Trump presidency, and those views persist. They especially question Trump’s commitment to the NATO alliance and how he will handle the Ukraine crisis.

Trump argues that Putin would not have attacked Ukraine had he been in the White House. That’s questionable, as war of this magnitude, with a powerful nation like Russia sending forces into another state, is instigated at a higher level than national chancelleries and palaces. Spiritual powers influencing human governments are behind this war. More than a million people have been killed and injured, and the carnage continues. And hostilities will not end through mere personal diplomacy and a phone call. Moreover, Europe has changed through this war. What is stirring there will have a long-term impact on global affairs.

In late November, the war in Ukraine was escalated to a more dangerous level prior to Trump taking office. Both Britain and the United States authorized Ukraine to use ballistic weapons supplied by the two to strike deeper into Russia. Russian leader Vladimir Putin retaliated by striking Ukraine with a powerful intermediate-range ballistic missile, akin to an intercontinental one, stating: “The regional conflict in Ukraine . . . has acquired elements of a global character.” Putin upped the threat of using nuclear weapons to decisively win this war. In this high-stakes game, Putin seeks to extend psychological control over the West. “We are ready for any development,” he said. “If anyone still doubts this, it is in vain. There will always be a response.” Exacerbating the provocation, The New York Times ran a story exposing U.S. and other Western countries discussing possibly installing nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

The impact of using nuclear weapons in Europe is unthinkable. This single event could galvanize Europe into a new creature. It could awaken sleeping powers that once raged across its landscape with war and destruction. The world is that close to a new geopolitical reality.

Europe is not a cohesive force that can protect itself. Since the end of World War II, it has relied on America to guarantee its safety against first the Soviet Union and now an aggressive Russia seeking to regain a former status. European nations have not spent the money to build their own armies to project adequate power to deter Russia. Should Ukraine fall to Russia, the obvious question is “What’s next?” The Baltics, formerly under Soviet control? Would Finland be a target?

Europe is facing a defining moment. Its leadership has failed to forge an identity for an ancient land containing the roots of ambition that reaches to the heavens. It waits for an event to burst the restrictive bonds imposed by God.

The ongoing press for a new global order

Trump’s election win will not deter one widespread movement—the drive toward a new world order. Since the end of World War II, global institutions have been created to prevent another such war. First came the United Nations. Many other transnational entities followed—the World Bank, NATO, the International Monetary Fund and the International Court of Justice, to name a few. Every American president since 1945 has supported these institutions. Donald Trump was the first to raise questions about their purpose and legitimacy. His “Make America Great Again” slogan put a dagger into the heart of these world bodies. With Trump, American interests are first. All others are second. That position remains—and it may yet prove effective on the world stage.

If the U.S. economy is king, and if America stands with the other English-speaking nations in a more unified dynamic, this could forestall the time when the world is controlled by a different power. (See our free study guide The Final Superpower to learn more.)

This is where Bible prophecy and God’s control of history write the script. It would appear the period of ascendancy of America and other English-speaking nations is not yet over. The GDP of America alone far surpasses its nearest rivals, the European Union and China. The combined GDP of the five major English-speaking nations (the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) is nearly double that of the EU. Despite many internal moral, cultural and social ills, America still strides tallest among the nations as the preeminent power.

Bible prophecy shows this will change. America holds its position not because it is a paragon of righteousness, but because God made the nation great in fulfillment of His promise to Abraham to bless his descendants with great national wealth and blessings from heaven. This fact is a ray of good news in the moment.

While the world transitions to a new order, there remains a moment for all of us to consider what God tells us in the Bible about His guiding hand in history. Besides watching the world, we should also be watching ourselves to make sure we are living as God tells us to. The world at large, despite its changes, is not seeking the ultimate change that matters.

Be sure to read the next article, “God’s Urgent Warning Message to You”, to see what God says to today’s English-speaking peoples and to you personally. This is a moment for you to repent and believe the Bible’s message about salvation through Jesus Christ and the coming Kingdom of God.

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