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[Connie] You just think it's a minor hiccup and you go on. But, it didn't get better.
[Tim] It was like a whirlwind. It was just… it was almost like that part in my life is almost blacked out in a way.[Steve] At times life brings great challenges. Where is God when pain and suffering occur?[Connie] Just the word “cancer” scares you to death.[Tim] He was just screaming it over the phone. It was, it was… I'll never forget.[Steve] On this special edition of Beyond Today , we'll look at the distress and heartbreak life can bring through the eyes of two people who have dealt with real-life tragedy to help you answer the question, “Why Me, God?”[Announcer] Join our host, Steve Myers and his guests, as they help you understand your future on Beyond Today ![Steve] When you're faced with the pain of what seems hopeless—whether it's sickness, betrayal, distress, or even loneliness. Have you ever asked: Why me, God?To help answer that question, let's examine it through the eyes of two people. First, let's listen to Tim's story.[Tim] I always wanted to be a cowboy. I worked at one of the biggest ranches in Arizona—Babbit's Ranch— just right out of high school, I worked there.[Steve] Now is that where you grew up then and eventually met your wife?[Tim] Yes it is, fact is my wife was born in Flagstaff. I met Debby from hanging around friends that knew her that lived in the area. But I never could get the nerve up to call her—Debby. I just felt like it was… she'd turn me down. So I kept thinking about it. It took me a whole afternoon to make that phone call. I just finally did. I finally got the courage up to give her a call, and she was real quick on the answer. And she, she told me yes![Steve] From there, did you date for quite awhile? How did things develop?[Tim] Within a year we got married. I was working construction at that time. We didn't have much of a honeymoon so to speak. We ended up going to Las Vegas—that's where we got married. Spent the three days up there and then ended up just coming back, going to work, and bought us a trailer. We bought some property off of her father—my father-in-law.There was a lot of trials in our early years. I remember, we would just take enough home to buy groceries. Basically it was just so hard at that time starting a new business.[Steve] Something was on the horizon that would make those trials pale by comparison and change everything. We'll come back to Tim in a moment.[Steve] I also interviewed Connie telling her story:[Connie] I went to four high schools in four years. But, I was so used to moving that it wasn't a big deal to me. I was just always the new kid, and you know, I'm not shy. So…[Steve] You couldn't afford to be.[Connie] No. So I'd just go up to people and say, “Hey, I'm the new kid.” And so, we moved around a lot. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to go to college, just because we were so poor, but, I did get to go.[Steve] And then you met someone, that kind of changed things.[Connie] I did. We worked together actually, in the kitchen at the college. And so then we got to know each other better, and when I graduated college—ten days later, after graduation—we got married.We just had fun together. We wanted to conquer the world together. And, we wanted a big family. He had four brothers and two sisters. We had kind of planned on that.[Steve] There were detours ahead on that road for the newlyweds. Soon their vision began to turn like into a dream gone bad.[Connie] And so we went to the doctor, and he was diagnosed with failing kidneys. And they said he'd be on dialysis within the month. And he was. So it, it did rock our world. You think of dialysis and you don't even know what that means.And so, we were struggling. Struggling to just keep afloat. We were down to our last scraps of food. We were, maxing out our credit cards. It was just a tough time, and a knock came at our door.So, they just came and delivered this big box of food. Which wasn't a big deal to them, but it was huge for us. It fed two people for a long time, and I mean, I just broke down and cried. But it was the love there of that support, and seeing the little details that God worked out along the way, that helped us through the big, big problem, or the big trial.[Steve] It wasn't long before the dialysis was just not enough. Connie's husband, Jim, desperately needed a kidney transplant. Thankfully, his brother stepped up and donated a kidney. There were complications, an extended hospital stay, but finally a bit of normalcy returned.[Connie] And so then, we're back on track, kind of, of what our goals were in life. Okay, he's got a full time job. I quit within that year and started working from home so that we could try to have a family, and figure that out. And away we went.Then, because his immune system was suppressed, a few years later, he started getting sick. His health had been compromised enough that we weren't able to have a family together. So, we went the adoption route.In fact, we had a possibility, and it was exciting. I remember going through the house just, I mean, practically skipping. I was like, oh okay.[Steve] But the exciting possibility of bringing home a little baby was suddenly crushed by the news.[Connie] We were about to talk to the family, and Jim was sick. And we couldn't meet with them. And, we went to the hospital instead.And the doctor that happened to be on staff at that local hospital hadn't seen him before. And he just looked at him and said, “Oh, I think there's something more going on here.”He was diagnosed that next day with lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer. So it was throughout his body in the lymph system, and it was an aggressive cancer. Just the word “cancer” scares you to death.[Steve] Jim's anti-rejection medication caused the aggressive cancer that evaporated their dreams of an adoption and turned into a fight for his very life.[Connie] The doctors took me aside—this would be for the third time—but they almost emphatically said, “He is in the dying process.”Two months of a rollercoaster, emotional rollercoaster, that I can't really explain how it felt like a lifetime in certain ways. But it was two months, almost to the day.You can't change it. You're in this situation, you have to do whatever you can to, to deal with it. The whole time we, we knew God was there. We were relying on Him. We were beseeching Him. We were having everybody that we knew pray for my husband.Just because you're going through something and you know God is there, doesn't mean it isn't hard.[Steve] It was a very hard thing for Connie to face—the death of her husband. Even though she felt God was there, should you avoid the inevitable question—why?[Connie] You're not human if you don't ask that one; I don't think. But you can't stay there. I don't know why. I really don't. But, in the long run, I can't, I can't dwell in there, or I can't stay there because I'm not going to get the answer, now, especially. So, I have got to take what I've learned from that and go forward, and try to learn the lessons that I'm supposed to learn.[Steve] Learning lessons and moving forward amid tragedy was a difficult step that Connie had to take.Now Tim tells more of his own account. His construction company finally began to prosper. His wife, Debby did the accounting. Tim worked overtime. Finally they were able to pay themselves from the business and go after that dream of living in the country on their very own ranch.[Tim] We started looking for property. We looked over a year. We went up to Montana, Colorado. We ended up finally purchasing a ranch in New Mexico.[Steve] With a ranch in New Mexico and a construction business in Flagstaff, that's not like five miles apart.[Tim] No. Fact is, it was 500 miles apart and it would take eight to ten hours to drive depending on traffic.Success and their choices began to take a toll on their lives. Tim had to split his time every week, between the ranch and the construction company. That brought problems because it separated him from Debby for the very first time in their marriage.[Tim] Debby didn't like it at all. She didn't like being away from me. She just kept… She'd tell me, she's say, I just want to be with you. I just want to be wherever you are. So that was a big change in our life.I could see where that was becoming a hardship for us. It was really becoming hectic. And we were getting busier and busier, and that was becoming more of a, a hassle. So, we were trying to sell the construction company.[Steve] So, among all of that activity between the two places with the ranch and the construction company, a day came that totally changed everything. Can you tell me about that?[Tim] That was a time in my life I won't forget. It's basically… I had just got back to Flagstaff. I had left the ranch, and I left it at a Sunday night, probably around nine that night. Drove all night long, and just didn't even get no sleep, went right to work. And we had some busy schedules that following Monday. Well, we ended up getting done mid-late afternoon, somewhere in there. So I went right home. We still had our house in Flagstaff. Went there, and I just remember going up in the game room and crashing on the floor. And, just sound asleep.Then I remember hearing a phone…the phone. So I, it was in, in my, you could just kind of hear it as you're sleeping. So, I didn't pick it up. I just, it was almost like it was a dream.And then it kept ringing, and kept ringing, and then I realized that it was the phone. So I answer the phone, and it's my youngest son. And he says, “Where have you been?” And, I said, “I was sleeping.” He said, “Debby's dead. My, my mom is dead.”And I said, “What?” I thought maybe I was still dreaming. I thought I was sleeping. I couldn't believe what he was telling me. And he was just screaming it over the phone. It was… I'll never forget.[Steve] It's hard enough to deal with the death of a loved one, yet how much more with such untimely death? We'll come back to Tim's heartrending story in just a moment. We left Connie, finding hope in dealing with the tragic death of her husband, Jim.[Connie] And they just surrounded me with love. You know, people really just took care of me. For, and that's what I needed, for a while. You know, I wasn't the strong person all the time. I needed help. I needed support. I needed encouragement. And I had those people. God put those people in my life to help me along the way.[Steve] As time passed, healing continued in Connie's life. As her pastor, I watched as new possibilities came her way.[Connie] Not only were you my pastor and his wife, but also friends; just because of the trial, and you know. You guys helped me through a lot. And, you guys knew someone, that, I guess you thought we would click—and we did. When I met Mark, he was a grain farmer in Michigan, had two teenage kids that he was trying to make sure he raised.After a couple visits, and a lot of talking back and forth, I moved to Michigan. And we got married January of 2005. Cold…[Steve] On a very cold day as I recall.[Connie] Yes, very cold in Minnesota. You know, we, we were a great team together. He was a, he was a leader in his congregation for the teens. He was a go-getter and I just joined right in. It was great.[Steve] As time went on, a shock came out of nowhere.[Connie] Yeah. In the spring, planting season, he was having a hard time. He was not feeling well. And by June of 2007 he was diagnosed with colon cancer.It was one of those things where you ask: why, again?In this situation, I just thought that it wouldn't, it wouldn't end like it did with Jim. I didn't think… I knew it was serious I just didn't… So we went through the, the battle together.It was a two-year battle. It was really all of '07 and almost all of '08. So it was a lot longer battle, but there was a time in there he was declared cancer free. You know, and you think, okay we've won. With God's help, we've won. But, that's not the way it ended or, went. But, I dunno.[Steve] How do you trust God, when you really don't understand what He is doing?[Connie] We trust God in the good things. We've got to accept God's direction in our life no matter what is happening in our lives. You know, it's not all going to be rosy. But, again, if you look at the little things, God is in the details. God is there with you. It's just that sometimes the answer isn't what you want.